Running list, and wish list of all the little things I buy or wish I could!

Friday, July 30, 2010

My Strollers

Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been obsessed with strollers.  It's the one thing I fixated on throughout my pregnancy researching, and re-researching.  By the time I finally bought one everyone was beyond annoyed with my stroller talk.  After researching, I settled on the Bugaboo Bee for what I thought would be my one and only stroller.

Being on a budget I found it used on craigslist for a steal.  I love this stroller, it pushes great and just looks really interesting.  It fits easily in the trunk of my Corolla, and it has the parent facing option I had to have.  

I had every intention of having this as my only stroller, but as I was obsessively browsing craigslist one morning I saw a listing for a Bugaboo Cameleon for $250!!!!  Now that is a ridiculously low price.  So low that at first I thought it was a scam, but I decided to test my luck, and it turned out to be real.  I was ecstatic!  These strollers are usually upwards of $800, and there was no way I would have bought one retail.  Words cannot express how useful this stroller is on the bumpy, poorly paved and sometimes bricked streets of Washington, DC.  It pushes like a dream, and baby loves it.  

He's a comparison shot of my Bee and my Cameleon.

Now you would think that my stroller craving would be sated with these two, but my mom mentioned she was thinking about buying an umbrella stroller to keep at her house.  Me seeing the opportunity to research and buy another stroller, immediately offered to get one for her.  Luckily Btrendie was having a gear sale, and had Cybex strollers for sale.  Although there wasn't a lot of info about them I decided to take a chance and buy the Cybex Onyx.  I'm glad I did.  It's plush, pushes well and folds up compactly.  You can read my full review on Lunch.   

I'm done with strollers for now, but next on my list is one to keep in Dad's trunk.  I'll try to save that for when Emerson get's a bit older though...unless I find a really good deal.  

Delivery Day!

I have to admit it...I love getting packages.  The anticipation of waiting for the delivery man, the sound of tape being pulled from cardboard, I love it all!  I'm happy because today I got two via UPS.

Even thought it's the height of summer I was alerted about a deal I just couldn't pass up by Babycheapskate.  Amazon was selling the JJ Cole Arctic Bundleme for $38!

A great deal because they're normally over $90.  I got it in the mail today and I'm very impressed.  The inside is super soft and cozy, and the outer layer feels like it will repel moisture, and keep out the wind very well.   I couldn't resist, and stuck my feet in it to see how warm it was, and it was really toasty.  It also came with a cool hanger.

Today I also finally got the Bumble Samantha diaper bag I ordered for my mom from Zulily when they had it marked way down.

I love Bumble bags, I have the Rebecca that I use as my go to diaper bag, but the Samantha will be awesome for the umbrella stroller my mom has. It hangs perfectly from the back and has just enough room for things you would need on a quick trip.  It doesn't hurt that the colors perfectly match the stroller.  

Bumbo Chair

I love this chair, and so does Emerson.  He always likes being upright, and even though he's a bit young for the suggested age range it works well for him.  He plays with his toys in it:


He also tires himself out and falls alseep in it sometimes.  It's made of a soft cushy pastic material so it's very comfortable for him.


Thursday, July 29, 2010


Every morning my inbox is flooded with emails from deal a day websites.  If I see something really interesting, or something that's a really good deal I occasionally break down and make an impulse buy.  This is how I stumbled across Pacimals.  They are just so cute, and a great idea.  Taken from their website:

Pacimals® is an innovative new pacifier that combines a medical-grade silicone pacifier with a soft light stuffed toy using a patent-pending joint. Pacimals® was named a NAPPA® Honors Winner (National Parenting Publications Awards) as revolutionary and useful tool that simplifies Mommy’s life. This is a huge advance in the world of pacifiers; Pacimals® is a distinctive product and a fabulous gift that is unique.

I of course had to have one so I bought the Duck for my son's 3 month birthday.  As you can see, he loves it.

He also likes to chew on the Duckie.  

It's super soft and well made, also very easy to clean. A+


My son has been very drooly and irritable lately, and since he's coming up on 4 months I figure he must be teething.  Poor baby, and poor me!  After he decided to skip both his afternoon and evening naps, in favor of crying and trying to eat his pants, I decided to search for what's out there for teething babies.  Being an avid Amazon shopper that was my first stop.  

I remember hearing about Sophie the Giraffe from a friend, and it seems to have a huge following online, with parents posting pictures of their babies happily chomping away on various parts of Sophie.   If it works half as well as it's reputation I will be a happy camper.

The Razbaby RaZberry Teether has the cute factor going for it.  It just looks like it would be fun to chew on, and I can imagine how adorable my baby will look with it.  The fact that it comes highly rated is icing on the cake. 

Now this is the weirder of the things I purchased.  I had heard talk of teething necklaces made of amber, but it struck me as a bit hippy dippy not to mention a choking hazard.  I thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that I really don't want to have to give my baby excessive pain relievers, and after reading through all the testimonials I'm willing to give it a try.  I ordered my necklace from Inspired by Finn, and this is what they say about the benefits of the jewlery on their website:

Among other things, amber is a natural analgesic (pain reliever) and anti-inflammatory.  When amber is worn on the skin, the warmth of the skin releases trace amounts of healing oils on the skin.  Commonly known as "teething jewelry," baltic amber has been a natural and traditional European remedy for teething discomfort for hundreds of years.

I can't wait to get all the items I ordered and test them out.  Hopefully my little guy will get some relief from at least one of them.